Rumah di Al Azhar Pakuwon City

2,7 Billion IDR

Pakuwon City, Surabaya


2,7 Billion IDR

Installment : 11,4 Million per month

Rumah di Al Azhar Pakuwon City

Pakuwon City, Surabaya

Updated on 16 November 2021 by PropNeX PC

Property Information




Land Area

816 sqm

Building Area

140 sqm

Property Type



HGB - Hak Guna Bangunan


Di Jual Rumah di Al Azhar Pakuwon City Di jual rumah di AL Azhar Pakuwon City Lt : 816 Lb : 140 2 Lantai Kamar : 3 + 1 Listrik : 2200 Sertifikat : SHGB Hadap Selatan Harga : 2,7 M Bisa Nego Ket : - tmpat sgt strategis - dkat east cost mall food festival - dkat 5 school - dkat san antonio shooping street - 15 menit ke merr Hubungi: Andrie 081228280xxx PropNex Pakuwon City

Property Location

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