rumah 2KT dekat kampus UPN Veteran, Unair & ITS, Surabaya
rumah 2KT dekat kampus UPN Veteran, Unair & ITS, Surabayarumah 2KT dekat kampus UPN Veteran, Unair & ITS, Surabayarumah 2KT dekat kampus UPN Veteran, Unair & ITS, Surabaya

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rumah 2KT dekat kampus UPN Veteran, Unair & ITS, Surabaya

700 Million IDR

Wonorejo, Surabaya

700 Million IDR

Installment : 2,9 Million per month

rumah 2KT dekat kampus UPN Veteran, Unair & ITS, Surabaya

Wonorejo, Surabaya

Updated on 14 September 2024 by MELLY POO (KNIE) Winners

Property Information






Land Area

84 sqm

Building Area

84 sqm

Property Type



SHM - Sertifikat Hak Milik


2200 Watt


Rumah Dijualsewa Surabaya Dijual rumah 2KT dekat kampus UPN Veteran, Unair & ITS, Surabaya SHM LT: 84m2 7x12 LB: 84m2 Kmr tidur: 2 Kmr mandi: 1 Listrik: 2200W Air: pdam Hadap: utara carport 2 mobil Furnished: kitchen set, AC 3 , tandon atas bawah,pompa air, lemari pakaian, ranjang 2 kamar Dekat kebun bibit wonorejo, UPN Veteran, ITS, Unair kampus C, Galaxy mall Harga jual 700 jt nego Harga sewa 22 JT

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