3,2 Billion IDR
Citraland, Surabaya
Installment : 13,5 Million per month
Citraland, Surabaya
Updated on 21 December 2024 by Henry Soerya
Property Overview
Property Information
Land Area
210 sqm
Building Area
160 sqm
Property Type
SHM - Sertifikat Hak Milik
1607. Djual Rumah Murah Raya Boulevard Eastwood Regency , Citraland Surabaya Barat SHM Utara 3500 watt PDAM LT 10 x 21 = 210 LB ± 160 KT 3+1 (1 KM dalam) KM 2+1 Water heater, AC 3, Dapur, Kolam ikan Carport + kanopi - 2 Lantai 2 : KTP, KMP + Jemuran Row jalan boulevard 3.5 mobil Lampu + kipas gantung, Buffet - 2 Selangkah dr pos satpam Hanya 4.1 M nego reposisi 3.85 M nego sampe deal reposisi 3.2 M nett (Kalau minat dan mau nawar dipersilakan) Mau jual beli properti dalam dan luar negeri Silakan hubungi Ray White Juanda Henry Soerya HP/WA 08123275xxx https://wa.me/628123275xxx
Fish Pond
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