60 Billion IDR
Raya A Yani, Surabaya
Installment : 254,3 Million per month
Raya A Yani, Surabaya
Updated on 25 October 2024 by Grace
Property Information
Land Area
1100 sqm
Building Area
1200 sqm
Property Type
HGB - Hak Guna Bangunan
10000 Watt
Dijual Hotel Cemara ( 2 Lantai ) Masih aktif Jl.Ahmad Yani Surabaya LT 979 ( sertifikat ) Real 1.100 ( 29 x 38 ) LB 1.200 25 kamar + kamar mandi dalam 6 Kamar dg kamar mandi luar KM 4 Carport 13 Mobil Gudang , Mushollah Hadap Timur Surat 1 SHM Dan 2 HGB Harga : 60 M nego
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