Rumah baru gress South Emerald siap huni

6,5 Billion IDR

Citraland, Surabaya

6,5 Billion IDR

Installment : 27,5 Million per month

Rumah baru gress South Emerald siap huni

Citraland, Surabaya

Updated on 25 September 2024 by Sonya .

Property Information


Land Area

207 sqm

Building Area

358 sqm

Property Type



HGB - Hak Guna Bangunan


*DIJUAL RUMAH BARU GRESS MINIMALIS MODERN SOUTH EMERALD MANSION* *2,5 Lantai Split Level* LT 11,5/12,7x18 LB 358 KT 5 + 1 (4 Kamar Mandi Dalam) KM 5 + 1 HGB Murni Developer (Bisa KPR) dan bisa upstatus Shm Hadap Utara Ruang Keluarga Atas & Bawah Gudang: 1 Carport: 2 High Quality: • Lantai Granite Tile 100x100 • Kusen & Pintu Kayu Merbau • Alumunium Astral Finish Good • Sanitair Toto / Kohler Harga jual 6.5M nego Js

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