Diswwakan Rumah Mewah Empat Lantai Ada Lift Di South Emerald Mansion Citraland
Diswwakan Rumah Mewah Empat Lantai Ada Lift Di South Emerald Mansion CitralandDiswwakan Rumah Mewah Empat Lantai Ada Lift Di South Emerald Mansion CitralandDiswwakan Rumah Mewah Empat Lantai Ada Lift Di South Emerald Mansion Citraland

350 Million yearly IDR

Citraland, Surabaya

350 Million yearly IDR

Diswwakan Rumah Mewah Empat Lantai Ada Lift Di South Emerald Mansion Citraland

Citraland, Surabaya

Updated on 14 December 2024 by SUK AI

Property Information






Land Area

375 sqm

Building Area

900 sqm

Property Type



HGB - Hak Guna Bangunan


16500 Watt

Rent Type



*Sewa..Rumah 4 lantai MARMER Mewah SPESIAL ROOFTOP area + PRIVATE Lift ...* Sewa Rumah 4 lantai + LIFT *South Emerald Mansion Citraland* Modern Mewah plus Rooftop Design Surabaya Barat PLUS: *- PRIVATE LIFT* *- area ROOFTOP modern* *- BASEMENT parking area LUAS masuk 6 Mobil* *- Taman Asri* Lokasi Strategis: *- Row Jalan Lebar 20 meter* *Citraland TerDEPAN dekat showroom mobil HONDA & GWalk, pintu akses UNESA* Surabaya Barat Spesifikasi: L.Tanah :375 m2 (15×25) L.Bangunan: +/-900 m2 Bangunan : 4 lantai *- Full BASEMENT area* *- Private ROOFTOP area* *+ PRIVATE Lift merek Mitsubishi* Kamar Tidur :4 + 2 *(3 K.Tidur PLUS K.Mandi DALAM)* Kamar Mandi :4+1 Garasi: 4 mobil Carport : 2 mobil *( Total Masuk 6 mobil)* Listrik 16500 watt Row Jalan RAYA Lebar 20 meter Hadap : Timur Sertifikat :HGB *SEWA Rp.350 jt/tahun*

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