166 Million IDR
Nagrak, Nagrak
Installment : 703,7 Thousand per month
Nagrak, Nagrak
Updated on 04 January 2025 by Anah JPI
Property Overview
Property Information
Land Area
60 sqm
Building Area
30 sqm
Property Type
HGB - Hak Guna Bangunan
900 Watt
Dijual Hunian Subsidi 100 Jutaan Strategis di Nagrak Sukabumi Lokasi Strategis Dekat Stasiun Cibadak dan Toll Cibadak Viewnya Instagramable Banget Selling point : - 2 menit Kantor Desa Cisarua - 2 menit SDN cisarua nagrak - 5 menit SDN cibodas - 6 menit SMPN nagrak - 9 menit SMAN nagrak - 7 menit RSUD Blood sekarwangi - 9 menit Puskesmas nagrak - 10 menit RSU Altha medika - 9 menit Pasar cibadak - 10 menit Mall Ramayana cibadak - 10 menit Stasion Cibadak - 14 menit Tol Cibadak - 52 menit Tol Cigombong - 6 menit Kolam Renang Cikanyere Indah - 9 menit Desa Wisata tengah sawah - 11 menit Tempat wisata Alam & air G-ciho - Bebas banjir - One Gate System Spesifikasi : - Pondasi Batu Kali - Struktur Beton Bertulang - Double Dinding - Pintu Double Triplek - Rangka Atap Baja Ringan - Genteng Metal Berpasir - Lantai Kramik - Kusen Alumunium - Listrik 900 watt
24-Hours Security
One Gate System
Parking lot
The property information presented is entirely the responsibility of the advertiser. Users are advised to verify with the advertiser before making a decision.