Rumah Cluster Gentan Solo
Rumah Cluster Gentan SoloRumah Cluster Gentan SoloRumah Cluster Gentan Solo

29 Million yearly IDR

Gentan, Solo


29 Million yearly IDR

Rumah Cluster Gentan Solo

Gentan, Solo

Updated on 26 June 2021 by Alex Onizuka

Property Information


Land Area

90 sqm

Building Area

70 sqm

Property Type



SHM - Sertifikat Hak Milik

Rent Type



Disewakan <br><br><br>Rumah Minimalis di Cluster Elite fasilitas Kolam Renang Komplek di Gentan Solo<br><br>Luas Tanah 90 m2<br>Luas Bangunan 70 m2<br>Kamar mandi 1<br>Kmr tidur 2<br>Listrik 2200w<br>Air Tanah Sanyo<br>Tandon air<br>Jalan depan cluster sangat luas<br>Security 24 jam<br>5 menit ke Luwes Gentan<br>10 menit ke Station Purswosari<br>15 menit Solo Baru<br><br>Harga sewa 29 juta/thn nego

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