Rumah bagus siyab huni full furnished di fajar indah
Rumah bagus siyab huni full furnished di fajar indah Rumah bagus siyab huni full furnished di fajar indah Rumah bagus siyab huni full furnished di fajar indah

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Rumah bagus siyab huni full furnished di fajar indah

75 Million yearly IDR

Jajar, Solo

75 Million yearly IDR

Rumah bagus siyab huni full furnished di fajar indah

Jajar, Solo

Updated on 28 January 2025 by Tuti Harcourts Bebas Komisi

Property Information


Land Area

156 sqm

Building Area

108 sqm




3500 Watt




Di Sewakan : Rumah cluster bagus full furnished siyap pakai tinggal bawak koper aja di fajar indah baturan colomadu solo. Luas tanah 156m2, Luas Bng -+108 m2, Lebar dpn -+10m, SHM, IMB, listrik 3500w, air sumur pompa/sanyo, 3+1kmr Tidur. 2+1kmr mandi (1kmr mandi dalam), carport luas, ada fasilitas kolam renang di perumahan, akses jalan perumahan simpangan mobil, 4mnt dgn pintu klodran, 3mnt dgn RS JIH solo Furnished : 1set sofa & meja tamu, 1set meja makan, TV, meja TV, 3AC, 3spring bed, 7bantal, 6guling, kulkas, kursi santai panjang ruang TV, dispenser, kaca dinding besar, 2lemari pakaian, 1meja rias, rak gelas, 4korden, 1kompor gas, 1tabung gas besar, kitchen set, rak piring, magig com, mesin cuci, jemuran besar & kecil, 2karpet besar, kipas angin besar, meja bundar kamar, pot bunga plastik, tangga alumunium, 2 rak sepatu, peralatan dapur. Harga : 75jt/th nego. (min sewa 2th)

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