Kost Ayahanda Simpang Jln Sampul dekat UNPRI MALL (Chinese Only)
Kost Ayahanda Simpang Jln Sampul dekat UNPRI MALL (Chinese Only)Kost Ayahanda Simpang Jln Sampul dekat UNPRI MALL (Chinese Only)Kost Ayahanda Simpang Jln Sampul dekat UNPRI MALL (Chinese Only)

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Kost Ayahanda Simpang Jln Sampul dekat UNPRI MALL (Chinese Only)

891 Thousand Total monthly IDR

Medan Petisah, Medan

891 Thousand Total monthly IDR

Kost Ayahanda Simpang Jln Sampul dekat UNPRI MALL (Chinese Only)

Medan Petisah, Medan

Updated on 05 December 2024 by Dina

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Full Fasilitas : 1. Ruang parkir luas 8x12M 2. AC tiap kamar 3. Lemari 4. Springbed 5. Tv Led 32" Ruang Tamu 6.TV CABLE Ruang Tamu 7. wifi high speed 8.dapur + kompor + kulkas (bebas masak) 9. cuci gosok 10. genset 11. Access Door 12. Air Minum 13. CCTV 14. kamar mandi di dlm ( 2&3bed) 15. exchaust fan tiap kmr 16. ruang tamu 2 tpt , luas dan lebar 17. double security system 18. Air PDAM NO SMOKING ONLY!!! Harga MURAH di mulai dari 725rb/org.Kamar terbatas. WA : khong pek it kau sa sa ji go kau sa kau sa

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Plaza Medan Fair


SMAS Santo Thomas 1 Medan

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