Tanah Bunut Wetan Pakis Malang Dijual Cpt B.u Poll Dkt Exit Toll
Tanah Bunut Wetan Pakis Malang Dijual Cpt B.u Poll Dkt Exit TollTanah Bunut Wetan Pakis Malang Dijual Cpt B.u Poll Dkt Exit TollTanah Bunut Wetan Pakis Malang Dijual Cpt B.u Poll Dkt Exit Toll

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Tanah Bunut Wetan Pakis Malang Dijual Cpt B.u Poll Dkt Exit Toll

382 Million Total IDR

Pakis, Malang

382 Million Total IDR

Installment : 1,6 Million per month

Tanah Bunut Wetan Pakis Malang Dijual Cpt B.u Poll Dkt Exit Toll

Pakis, Malang

Updated on 02 October 2024 by Ulul Amri

Property Information


Land Area

225 sqm

Property Type



Lainnya (PPJB,Girik,Adat,dll)

Listing ID





Tanah Bunut wetan Pakis Malang Dijual cpt B.U poll dkt Exit Toll cocok buat hunian & kost SpeK: - Luas 15x15 : 225m2 - Surat AJB an. sendiri - akses mobil Lokasi Strategis: - dekat Exit Toll Pakis - 5 menit ke bandara ABD shleh - 5 menit ke pasar pakis - 7 menit ke Wisata Wendit Harga 382jt (1,7jt/m2)

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