150 Million Total IDR
Pakis, Malang
Installment : 635,8 Thousand per month
Pakis, Malang
Updated on 25 August 2024 by Hadi
Property Information
Land Area
60 sqm
Property Type
Listing ID
Tanah Kavling Murah Tribuana Land Genitri Tirtomoyo Pakis Malang dkt perum Araya wa.me/6281252252xxx Tersedia: - Luas 5x12: 60 m2 harga 150 jt - Luas 5x14: 70 m2 harga 175 jt - Luas 6x12: 72 m2 harga 180 jt - Luas 7x12: 84 m2 harga 210 jt Promo Bonus CashBack hingga 10 juta For Cash Selling Point Selling: * 2 Menit Wisata Sumber Gentong * 2 Menit Pemandian Wendit Lanang * 2 Menit Kampus BINUS ARAYA * 3 Menit Wisata Pemandian Wendit * 5 Menit Bandara Abd.saleh * 5 Menit Exit Tol Karanglo * 7 Menit Exit Tol Pakis Sistem Pembayaran: - Cash (Potongan Spesial) - Inhouse DP 50% sisanya bs diangsur 1 th tanpa Bunga Fasilitas: - Free Surat AJB - jalan Paving 6 meter - Free Biaya Makam - Gorong-gorong - jarngan Air & Listrik Tersedia rekan.pinhome.id/app/5RxG
BINUS Malang
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