1,75 Billion IDR
Jepara, Jepara
Installment : 7,4 Million per month
Jepara, Jepara
Updated on 24 September 2024 by M Haris
Property Information
Land Area
1 sqm
Building Area
100 sqm
Lainnya (PPJB,Girik,Adat,dll)
THIS HOLY TRADITIONAL JOGLO HOUSE is a WORK OF JOGLO ART AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL because of its complex construction and detailed carvings. Gebyok Perimeter Thick panels made of ex-board. LUMPANG teak and Gebyok Kudusan are finely carved & detailed in 3D (Dimensions) with ex boards. Teak Lumpang and Carved Tumpangsari with Special Designs and Antique Floors made from ex-Teak Planks. Hull. So this Joglo has historical, antique, classic, unique value with classy carvings and old & solid teak quality so its durability has been tested by the age of its ex-teak wood. old house, Dutch Hotel, mortar & ship hull. [Spec details in last photo] The quality of the teak and 3D carvings really determine the value of this Kudus House, because with old, quality teak and detailed and smooth 3D carvings, it will make your collection even more antique and ancient, making it an increasingly priceless investment and will not be eroded by anything. era. > Ono rego ono rupoo > Look at the Video, pleaseee > TRUST AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IS OUR BUSINESS GOAL > JUST SEE, CHECK & FEEL IT ~ WE ARE DIFFERENT
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