Kavling Katamaran Permai 16x25 Pik Hadap Utara
Kavling Katamaran Permai 16x25 Pik Hadap Utara

28 Million /sqm IDR

Pantai Indah Kapuk, Jakarta Utara

28 Million /sqm IDR

Installment : 64,5 Million per month

Kavling Katamaran Permai 16x25 Pik Hadap Utara

Pantai Indah Kapuk, Jakarta Utara

Updated on 16 January 2025 by Angelina Limanto

Property Information


Land Area

560 sqm

Land Length

35 m

Land Width

16 m



Property Type




Listing ID



Dijual Kavling Katamaran Permai PIK Uk. 16x35 LT : 560 m2 Hadap Utara PPJB Harga 28 Jt/m2 nego SILAHKAN CHAT WA UNTUK INFORMASI LEBIH LANJUT MASIH ADA STOCK KAVLING LAIN TERIMAKASIH SC/408/1/2025 ____________________________________ AGENT SPESIALIS PIK - Pantai Bukit Villa 10x30 = 300m2 (25 jt / m2) 12x30 = 360m2 (25 jt / m2) 15x30 = 450m2 (24.5 jt / m2) 20x30 = 600m2 (25 jt / m2) 20x35 = 700m2 (24 jt / m2) - Manhattan 10x30 = 300m2 (24 jt / m2) 20x30 = 600m2 (24 jt / m2) 20x40 = 800m2 (24 jt / m2) - Bukit Danau Indah 10x25 = 250m2 (25 jt / m2) 10x30 = 300m2 (26 jt / m2) - Simprug Village 8x27 = 216m2 (25 jt / m2) 12x30 = 360m2 (24 jt / m2) 10x45 = 450m2 (26 jt / m2) View Danau 20x45 = 900m2 (26 jt / m2) View Danau - Simprug Residence 10x20 = 200m2 (24 jt / m2) 10x25 = 250m2 (25 jt / m2) - Long Beach 10x18 = 180m2 (24 jt / m2) 12x25 = 300m2 (24 jt / m2) 20x50 = 1.000m2 (24 jt / m2) - Palm Spring 15x35 = 525m2 (26 jt / m2) 20x50 = 1.000m2 (30 jt / m2) View Danau

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