2,3 Billion IDR
Kampung Ambon, Jakarta Timur
Installment : 9,7 Million per month
Kampung Ambon, Jakarta Timur
Updated on 19 December 2024 by TULUS
Property Information
Land Area
90 sqm
Building Area
130 sqm
Property Type
SHM - Sertifikat Hak Milik
2200 Watt
JUAL RUMAH Minimalis KAMPUNG AMBON JAKARTA TIMUR Lt : 90 m2 Lb : 130 m2 Dimensi : 6× 15 Tingkat : 2 lantai Hadap : Timur Kt: 4 Km : 2 Air : PDAM Listrik : 2200 watt Sertifikat : SHM Row jalan : 2 mobil HARGA JUAL RP : 2,3 M Fasilitas, carport : 1 mobil , 3 unit AC, water Heater , Lokasi strategis, dekat Pasar kuliner, halte busway, pintu tol, beberapa kampus, RS, carefour ,
The property information presented is entirely the responsibility of the advertiser. Users are advised to verify with the advertiser before making a decision.