808 Billion Total IDR
TB Simatupang, Jakarta Selatan
Installment : 3,4 Billion per month
Plaza Oleos
TB Simatupang, Jakarta Selatan
Updated on 26 July 2024 by Fajr Hadi
Property Information
Land Area
11248 sqm
Building Area
41990 sqm
Property Type
Office Space
SHM - Sertifikat Hak Milik
Year Built
Listing ID
Commercial Area! Office Space Plaza Oleos 18 Lantai TB. Simatupang Dijual Office Space Plaza Oleos di Tb Simatupang, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan. Spesifikasi:- Sertifikat: SHMSRS (Tahun 2034) - Luas Tanah: 11.248 m² - Luas Bangunan: 41.990,95 m² - Typical Floor Size: 2.100 – 2.400 m² - Floor to Ceiling Height: - GF: 9.1 meter - Typical: 2.8 – 3.1 meter - Listrik: PLN 4.000 KVA; 110 VA/m² - AC System: Daikin VRV System 8 zones/floor (720 BTU/m²) - Tahun Dibangun: 2014 Fasilitas: - Keamanan: Alarm Kebakaran, Fire Sprinkle, Sistem Hydrant, CCTV, Detector Asap & Tekanan Udara - Parkir: 4 Basement menampung ± 654 mobil & 459 motor - Umum: - 6 Low Zone Lifts (GF-16th Floor) - 4 High Zone Lifts (17th-23rd Floor) - 1 Service Lift (LG-23rd Floor) - 2 Parking Lifts (B2-GF) Stok limited jarang ada, untuk survey unit dan reservasi: FAJR KANTOR: KING PROPERTY Tahap-1 : Green Bay Pluit LG Tower B No. 10-11 Tahap-2 : Green Bay Pluit GF Tower G No. 7 Terima Kasih
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