471 Million Total yearly IDR
Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
Updated on 04 September 2024 by RIA (PYKE)
Property Overview
Property Information
Land Area
174 sqm
Building Area
174 sqm
Property Type
Office Space
HGB - Hak Guna Bangunan
10600 Watt
Listing ID
Perkantoran Disewa Jakarta Selatan Deskripsi Rental : Rp 110.000 /sqm/month excld VAT 11% Service Charge : Rp 90,000 /sqm/month (Incl. AC) (excld VAT 11%) Security Deposit : 3 Month Rental - must be paid before hand over Fit out Period : 4 weeks Telephone Deposit : Rp. 2.500.000,-/ line (non IDD) Rp. 4.000.000,-/ line (IDD) Electricity : The electricity in the premises shall be charged every months based on the recording meter. Air Conditioning : No charge for the used at normal office hour. After normal office hour will be charged as over time. Office Hours : Monday-Friday 07 am - 06 pm Saturday 07 am - 02 pm Parking : Rp 450,000 /month Car Rp 160,000 /month MotorCycle Gedung Setiabudi One adalah bangunan kantor tipe Grade C yang terletak di Central Business District (Pusat Kawasan Bisnis), jantung kota Jakarta. Bangunan kantor beralamat di Jl. HR Rasuna Said tersedia untuk sewa.
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