Tanah di Kebayoran Lama. Komersil Murni. Cocok Bengkel, Showroom, Restoran dll
Tanah di Kebayoran Lama. Komersil Murni. Cocok Bengkel, Showroom, Restoran dllTanah di Kebayoran Lama. Komersil Murni. Cocok Bengkel, Showroom, Restoran dll

650 Million Total yearly IDR

Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan

650 Million Total yearly IDR

Tanah di Kebayoran Lama. Komersil Murni. Cocok Bengkel, Showroom, Restoran dll

Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan

Updated on 17 September 2024 by Artha Sianturi

Property Overview

  • Negotiable

Property Information


Land Length

80 m

Land Width

17 m



Property Type




Listing ID



Tanah disewakan di area Kebayoran Lama Komersil Murni Cocok bengkel, showroom, showroom, dll Lebar depan 17 m Lebar belakang 26 m panjang 80 m Contact : Artha 0816 1808 xxx

Property Location

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Nearest Location


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