Lahan Terluas Lt 992.800 M2 di Sentul Residence, Citereup, Bogor

1,1 Million /sqm IDR

Sentul, Bogor

1,1 Million /sqm IDR

Installment : 4,6 Billion per month

Lahan Terluas Lt 992.800 M2 di Sentul Residence, Citereup, Bogor

Sentul, Bogor

Updated on 11 October 2024 by Joko Suhartono

Property Information


Land Area

992800 sqm

Property Type



HGB - Hak Guna Bangunan

Listing ID





FOR SALE: Lahan Istimewa Terluas Lt 992.800 M2 di Sentul, Residence, Citereup, Bogor Spesifikasi: - LT: 992.800 M (99,2 Ha) - Legalitas: SHGB 931.700 M (24 Sertifikat SHGB) SHM 61.100 M (14 Sertifikat) Cocok Sekali untuk: - Perumahan / Residence - Kota Baru - Pusat Pendidikan / Kampus - Pusat Hiburan / Tamasya # Harga: 1.1 Juta/ M2 (Nego) More Info: Joko 0878-8045-1xxx Terima titip Jual, Beli dan Sewa Property

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