2,8 Billion IDR
Sentul City, Bogor
Installment : 11,8 Million per month
Sentul City, Bogor
Updated on 19 August 2024 by luxman Adi
Property Overview
Property Information
Land Area
224 sqm
Building Area
180 sqm
SHM - Sertifikat Hak Milik
5500 Watt
Sentul city best view best price.. The balance of life.. Sentul city wujud kenyamanan hidup yg menawarkan keasrian alam yg berpadu dengan rancangan hunian berasitektur Minimalis, Yunani, Mediterania yg exclusif, artistik dan elegan. Reinveting sentul city 9 new fasilitas. - STE TAZKIA - BPK PENABUR - PELITA HARAPAN - FAJAR HIDAYAH - JUNGLE LAND - WARUNG APUNG - TAMAN BUDAYA - FASUM/FASOS - HOTEL/KONDOTEL - BANK MANDIRI, BCA, BRI DLL - MALL, GIANT, SUPERMARKET, PASAR TRADISIONAL DLL - SICC, SENTUL TOWER APARTEMENT - REDI RAHADIAN STUDIO DLL.. - AKSES PINTU TOL SENDIRI, BEBAS MACET - VIEW INDAH PEGUNUNGAN, GOLF, SUNGAI DANAU - KONTUR TANAH BERBUKIT UPSLOPE, DOWNSLOPE, LEVEL - BEBAS BANJIR, UDARA SEJUK, KEAMANAN 1X24 JM. hubungi = lukman adi /081272866xxx
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