529 Total IDR
Kota Baru Parahyangan, Bandung
Installment : 2.242549043312312 per month
Kota Baru Parahyangan, Bandung
Updated on 04 December 2024 by Heny_Best 1
Property Information
Land Area
529 sqm
Property Type
HGB - Hak Guna Bangunan
Listing ID
Jual Tanah Kavling Kotabaru Parahyangan Luas , Bandung Luas Tanah : 529 Tatar Nilapadmi Town Facilities - Al-Irsyad Satya Islamic School - Bandung Alliance Intercultural School - BPK Penabur School - Bina Persada School - Cahaya Bangsa Classical School - Damian School - Universitas St. Borromeus - Sundial Science Center - Akademi Bahasa Asing Internasional - Bale Seni Barli - Mason Pine Hotel - Bale Pare - Bumi Pancasona Sports Club - Cahya Kawaluyan Hospital - Masjid Al-Irsyad Satya - Jonas Photo - Bicycle Lane - Shuttle Bus - IKEA Store - Parahyangan Golf - Commercial Banking - Automotive Center Dll
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