2,5 Billion IDR
Turangga, Bandung
Installment : 10,5 Million per month
Turangga, Bandung
Updated on 09 November 2024 by Adityo
Property Information
Land Area
108 sqm
Building Area
130 sqm
Property Type
SHM - Sertifikat Hak Milik
2200 Watt
JUAL Rumah Baru Modern Minimalis 3 Unit Area Turangga Bandung Unit I & II LT: 108 m² (5,75 x 18,7) LB : 130 m² KT : 3+1 KM : 3+1 CARPORT : 2 mobil Harga 2,5 M nego Spesifikasi : - Struktur beton bertulang - Dinding bata merah di plester & Aci - Cat Interior ex Dulux Pentalite - Cat Exsterior ex Dulux Wheathershield - Cat Luar ex Aquaproof - Dinding luar semprot Stonepaint ex Lemkra (waterproofing) - Atap baja ringan KMP - Penutup atap Genteng Beton ex Cisangkan - Plafond gypsum ex Jayaboard - lantai utama Granite 80x80 ex Vicenzo - lantai kamar tidur Granite motif parket kayu ex Roman granit - Dinding Km/wc granite 60x60 ex Vicenzo - Sanitair ex Toto - Kusen jendela Alumunium ex Alexindo - Pintu kusen kayu Kamper Samarinda Oven ex Tobindo - Saklar & Stopkontak ex Architech - Lampu-lampu ex Phillips Led - Listrik 2.200 W - Air bersih sumur sumersible 60 m - Torn Penguin 800 liter - Pemanas Air Listrik - Kompor gas & Cooker hood ex Rinnai AMH
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