Cikupa Citra Raya, Tangerang
870 Million - 1,1 Billion IDR
Available Promotion
Griya Idola Residence
360 Tour Virtual
High Investment Value
Premium Area
Traffic Jam Free
What are the exciting facilities that can be found in Griya Idola Residence?
Some attractive facilities in Griya Idola Residence include One Gate System, Keamanan, Jalur Lari, Club House, Area Bermain, Sky Garden, Kolam Renang, Cafe, Kartu Akses, Area, Kamera Keamanan, Pemadam Kebakaran, Taman Hijau, Kolam Renang Anak, Area Ritel, Koridor Ramah Lingkungan, Lain-lain, Bank/ATM Center, Sekolah, Universitas, Pusat Perbelanjaan, Area Wisata, Mesjid.
What are the public facilities around Griya Idola Residence?
Some of the public facilities that can be found around Griya Idola Residence, are Bandara Internasional Soekarno Hatta, Bank Mandiri, BCA, Maybank, Permata, Muamalat, BTN, Tol Bitung, Tol Cikupa, Pusat Kuliner CIFFEST, Ciputra Hospital, RS Hermina, Sekolah Tarakanita, Citra Islami, Citra Berkat & Universitas Esa Unggul, EcoPlaza, Mal Ciputra Tangerang, SPBU Pertamina Ciakar, Pertamina 34-15712.
Where can I see the site plan of Griya Idola Residence?
You can contact the contact person listed on the page or directly explore it in the "Explore Site Plan" section.
What should I do if I’m interested in buying a unit in Griya Idola Residence?
Contact the contact person on this page. Our agent will provide you with all the information you need.
Griya Idola Jakarta Marketing Gallery Wisma Barito Pacific, Jl Let Jend.S.Parman Kav.62-63 Slipi - Jakarta Barat
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