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Property Guide
 Anwa Residence Bintaro
Properti Baru
Last updated on 14 November 2024

Anwa Residence Bintaro

Developer: PT. Hocky Anwa Lestari

Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan


500 Million - 1,99 Billion IDR

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UNIT Anwa Residence Bintaro

Tipe Studio
Tipe Studio
Tipe Studio

500 Million IDR

BA: 29.8 m²
Tipe One Bedroom
Tipe One Bedroom
Tipe One Bedroom

599 Million IDR

BA: 31.7 m²
Tipe Two Bedroom
Tipe Two Bedroom
Tipe Two Bedroom

900 Million IDR

BA: 50 m²
Tipe Three Bedroom
Tipe Three Bedroom
Tipe Three Bedroom

1,99 Billion IDR

BA: 110.9 m²

Anwa Residence Bintaro Project Details

Available Unit
4 Unit Type
Property Type
February 2022
Project LocationGet the complete address for this project

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ABOUT Anwa Residence Bintaro


Anwa Residence Bintaro

Area Bermain
Kolam Renang
Kolam Renang Anak
Koridor Ramah Lingkungan

Area Bermain

Kolam Renang

Kolam Renang Anak


Koridor Ramah Lingkungan

360 Tour Virtual

 Anwa Residence Bintaro
 Anwa Residence Bintaro
 Anwa Residence Bintaro

Ulasan Anwa Residence Bintaro

0 / 5

Saat ini belum ada ulasan untuk Anwa Residence Bintaro

Mengetahui tentang Anwa Residence Bintaro?

Highlights of Anwa Residence Bintaro


What are the exciting facilities that can be found in Anwa Residence Bintaro?

Some attractive facilities in Anwa Residence Bintaro include Area Bermain, Kolam Renang, Kolam Renang Anak, Foodhall, Koridor Ramah Lingkungan.

What are the public facilities around Anwa Residence Bintaro?

Some of the public facilities that can be found around Anwa Residence Bintaro, are Stasiun Commuterline Jurangmangu, Bandara International Soekarno Hatta, ATM Center, Tol Lingkar Luar Jakarta - Serpong, Telaga Sampireun, RSIA. Dhia, High Scoope, Bintaro Xchange, SPBU, St. Jurangmangu.

Where can I see the site plan of Anwa Residence Bintaro?

You can contact the contact person listed on the page or directly explore it in the "Explore Site Plan" section.

What are the recommendations for similar properties in the Tangerang Selatan area?

part from Anwa Residence Bintaro, around this area there are other property recommendations such as Akasa Pure Living - BSD City, The Elements.

What should I do if I’m interested in buying a unit in Anwa Residence Bintaro?

Contact the contact person on this page. Our agent will provide you with all the information you need.

ABOUT DEVELOPER PT. Hocky Anwa Lestari

Jl. Cendrawasih Raya No. 25 Tangerang Selatan - Bintaro 15413

Developer Contact
 Anwa Residence Bintaro
500 Million - 1,99 Billion IDR
Anwa Residence Bintaro
Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan
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