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Wisata Bukit Mas, Cluster Chelsea
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Last updated on 28 January 2025

Wisata Bukit Mas, Cluster Chelsea

Developer: Sinar Mas Land

Wiyung, Surabaya


1,68 Billion - 1,97 Billion IDR

Limited Offer
Free PPN 100%
Free Biaya KPR 25 Juta
Free IPL 12 Bulan

UNIT Wisata Bukit Mas, Cluster Chelsea


1,68 Billion IDR

LA: 55 m²BA: 77 m²

1,97 Billion IDR

LA: 66 m²BA: 89 m²

Wisata Bukit Mas, Cluster Chelsea Project Details

Available Unit
2 Unit Type
Property Type
June 2025
Project LocationGet the complete address for this project

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ABOUT Wisata Bukit Mas, Cluster Chelsea


Wisata Bukit Mas, Cluster Chelsea



Highlights of Wisata Bukit Mas, Cluster Chelsea


What are the exciting facilities that can be found in Wisata Bukit Mas, Cluster Chelsea?

Some attractive facilities in Wisata Bukit Mas, Cluster Chelsea include Keamanan.

What are the public facilities around Wisata Bukit Mas, Cluster Chelsea?

Some of the public facilities that can be found around Wisata Bukit Mas, Cluster Chelsea, are ATM Sinarmas (di dalam kawasan), Gerbang Tol Gunung Sari & Gerbang Tol Darmo Satelit, IDAF (di dalam kawasan), National Hospital, Surabaya Grammar School (di dalam kawasan), Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA), Sekolah Kristen Petra 1, SuperMall, Pertamina, Shell.

What other projects has Sinar Mas Land developed?

Sinar Mas Land was previously known for projects such as Klaska Residence, Grand City Balikpapan, Kawasan Vanya Park, BSD City, Casa de Parco, BSD City, Cluster New Da Vinci - Legenda Wisata, Boutique Soho at Latinos Business District, BSD City, Klasika Grand Wisata, New Alesha, BSD City, Terravia, BSD City, Garden Loft Grand Wisata, Virginia Arcade Promenade, North Square District - Ruko Kota Wisata, Southgate Residence , Tanakayu, BSD City, New Westfield Grand Wisata, T17 Shophouse Ruko Legenda Wisata, Vanya Avenue, Aerium Residence, West Village Business Park Tahap 2, BSD City, Northridge Ultimate, BSD City, Yara at The Kaia Grand Wisata, Xlane Community Complex, Delrey Business Townhouse, BSD City, Giva at The Kaia Grand Wisata, Taman Tekno X, BSD City, The Blizfield at BSD City, Eonna, BSD City, The Elements, Cluster Richmond Kota Wisata Cibubur, Devant Business Loft Kota Wisata Cibubur, Enchante, BSD City, Tresor, BSD City, Capital Cove, BSD City. Find related property information via Rumah123.

Where can I see the site plan of Wisata Bukit Mas, Cluster Chelsea?

You can contact the contact person listed on the page or directly explore it in the "Explore Site Plan" section.

What should I do if I’m interested in buying a unit in Wisata Bukit Mas, Cluster Chelsea?

Contact the contact person on this page. Our agent will provide you with all the information you need.


Sinar Mas Land Plaza Jl. Grand Boulevard, BSD City Tangerang 15345, Banten Indonesia

Sinar Mas Land adalah salah satu perusahaan pengembang terbesar di Indonesia. Perusahaan ini sudah berkiprah di industri properti Tanah Air sejak 1988. Di Indonesia, Sinar Mas Land telah mengembangkan sejumlah proyek seperti kota mandiri, perumahan tapak, pusat komersial, kawasan industri dan perhotelan. Perusahaan ini memiliki cadangan lahan strategis seluas 10.000 hektare. Beberapa proyek terkenal dari Sinar Mas Land di antaranya adalah BSD City, Kota Wisata, Kota Deltamas Bekasi, Karawang International Industrial City, ITC, Mall Ambasador dan masih banyak lagi. Selain di Indonesia, Sinar Mas Land juga memiliki proyek di Inggris, Cina dan Malaysia. Di Negeri Ratu Elizabeth, Sinar Mas Land telah mengakuisisi gedung perkantoran Warwick House, gedung perkantoran Alphabeta dan gedung perkantoran 33 Horseferry Road di London. Kini, Sinar Mas Land sudah terdaftar di Bursa Efek Singapura. Sementara itu di Indonesia, perusahaan ini beroperasi melalui anak perusahaannya, yakni PT Duta Pertiwi, PT Bumi Serpong Damai dan PT Puradelta Lestari. Sebagai pembuktian diri menjadi salah satu pengembang terbaik, Sinar Mas Land telah meraih banyak penghargaan. Pada 2018-2020 misalnya, perusahaan ini pernah menyabet penghargaan di ajang IDC Smart Cities Awards, BCI Asia Awards dan Asia Pacific Property Awards.

Developer Contact
Wisata Bukit Mas, Cluster Chelsea
1,68 Billion - 1,97 Billion IDR
Wisata Bukit Mas, Cluster Chelsea
Wiyung, Surabaya
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