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Property Guide
Mukti Green Park Residence
Properti Baru
Last updated on 16 December 2024

Mukti Green Park Residence

Developer: PT. Mugi Mukti Mulia

Ngemplak, Sleman


584 Million - 926 Million IDR

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UNIT Mukti Green Park Residence

Tipe 40
Tipe 40
Tipe 40

584 Million IDR

LA: 72 m²BA: 40 m²
Tipe 50
Tipe 50
Tipe 50

748 Million IDR

LA: 100 m²BA: 50 m²
Tipe 60
Tipe 60
Tipe 60

926 Million IDR

LA: 121 m²BA: 60 m²

Mukti Green Park Residence Project Details

Available Unit
3 Unit Type
Property Type
December 2023
Project LocationGet the complete address for this project

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ABOUT Mukti Green Park Residence


Mukti Green Park Residence

Club House
Area Bermain


Club House


Area Bermain

Ulasan Mukti Green Park Residence

0 / 5

Saat ini belum ada ulasan untuk Mukti Green Park Residence

Mengetahui tentang Mukti Green Park Residence?

Highlights of Mukti Green Park Residence

Favorite Locations

Located in the North Jogja area

High Investment Value

Near UII and UGM campuses

Premium Area

A rapidly developing residential area


What are the exciting facilities that can be found in Mukti Green Park Residence?

Some attractive facilities in Mukti Green Park Residence include Keamanan, Club House, Mushola, Area Bermain.

What are the public facilities around Mukti Green Park Residence?

Some of the public facilities that can be found around Mukti Green Park Residence, are Bandara Adisucipto, CaPem BPD dan BRI, Sabin Resto, Mitra Medika, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Mindi Sukoharjo, Tugu Jogja.

Where can I see the site plan of Mukti Green Park Residence?

You can contact the contact person listed on the page or directly explore it in the "Explore Site Plan" section.

What are the recommendations for similar properties in the Sleman area?

part from Mukti Green Park Residence, around this area there are other property recommendations such as Grand Vista Residence, Grand Sedayu Kalasan.

What should I do if I’m interested in buying a unit in Mukti Green Park Residence?

Contact the contact person on this page. Our agent will provide you with all the information you need.


Jl. Ringinsari No.9, Ringinsari, Maguwoharjo, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55282, Indonesia

Developer Contact
Mukti Green Park Residence
584 Million - 926 Million IDR
Mukti Green Park Residence
Ngemplak, Sleman
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