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Property Guide
Pondok Tjandra Indah
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Last updated on 17 December 2024

Pondok Tjandra Indah

Developer: PT. Pondok Tjandra Indah Grup

Rungkut, Surabaya


1,04 Billion - 3,55 Billion IDR

Limited Offer
Discount Senilai Ratusan Juta
PPN DTP Senilai Ratusan Juta
Double Cashback Senilai Puluhan Juta

UNIT Pondok Tjandra Indah

Type 75
Type 75
Type 75

1,58 Billion IDR

LA: 120 m²BA: 75 m²

Pondok Tjandra Indah Project Details

Available Unit
10 Unit Type
Property Type
March 2024

Available Promotion

- Discount Worth Hundreds of Millions*- VAT DTP Worth Hundreds of Millions*- Double Cashback Worth Tens of Millions Especially for Selected Units!!*- Free SC Members Especially for UTJ During the Promo Period- Free AJB, BBN and SHM*- Free Fence and Canopy* *Terms & Conditions Apply Promo Period November 2024
Project LocationGet the complete address for this project

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ABOUT Pondok Tjandra Indah


Pondok Tjandra Indah

Kartu Akses
Bank/ATM Center
Pusat Bisnis
Kamera Keamanan
Club House
Ruang Komunitas
Convention Center
Taman Hijau
Jalur Lari
Kolam Renang Anak
Area Parkir
Area Bermain
Pusat Kebugaran
Kolam Renang
Lapangan Tenis
Pusat Olah Raga

Kartu Akses

Bank/ATM Center

Pusat Bisnis


Kamera Keamanan

Club House

Ruang Komunitas

Convention Center

Taman Hijau


Jalur Lari

Kolam Renang Anak

Area Parkir

Area Bermain



Pusat Kebugaran

Kolam Renang

Lapangan Tenis


Pusat Olah Raga

Highlights of Pondok Tjandra Indah

Favorite Locations

0 Merr road, one step away from Juanda toll road and inner city toll road

Strategic Location

Close to Mitra Keluarga Hospital, Petra Acitya School, Pondok Tjandra Sports Club with an area of 2 ha

Premium Area

200ha development land


What are the exciting facilities that can be found in Pondok Tjandra Indah?

Some attractive facilities in Pondok Tjandra Indah include Kartu Akses, Bank/ATM Center, Pusat Bisnis, Cafe, Kamera Keamanan, Club House, Ruang Komunitas, Convention Center, Taman Hijau, Gym, Jalur Lari, Kolam Renang Anak, Area Parkir, Area Bermain, Sekolah, Keamanan, Pusat Kebugaran, Kolam Renang, Lapangan Tenis, Universitas, Pusat Olah Raga.

What are the public facilities around Pondok Tjandra Indah?

Some of the public facilities that can be found around Pondok Tjandra Indah, are Bandara Juanda, BCA, Juanda dan tambak sumur, Gion Market, RS Mitra Keluarga Pondok Tjandra, Petra Acitya, Galaxy Mal, Pertamina.

What other projects has PT. Pondok Tjandra Indah Grup developed?

PT. Pondok Tjandra Indah Grup was previously known for projects such as Belleview The Signature. Find related property information via Rumah123.

Where can I see the site plan of Pondok Tjandra Indah?

You can contact the contact person listed on the page or directly explore it in the "Explore Site Plan" section.

What should I do if I’m interested in buying a unit in Pondok Tjandra Indah?

Contact the contact person on this page. Our agent will provide you with all the information you need.

ABOUT DEVELOPER PT. Pondok Tjandra Indah Grup

Jl. Raya Jemursari No.256, Prapen, Kec. Tenggilis Mejoyo, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60299

Developer Contact
Pondok Tjandra Indah
1,04 Billion - 3,55 Billion IDR
Pondok Tjandra Indah
Rungkut, Surabaya
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