Sukodono, Sidoarjo
550 Million - 725 Million IDR
What are the exciting facilities that can be found in NEW NIRWANA ANGGASWANGI?
Some attractive facilities in NEW NIRWANA ANGGASWANGI include Mesjid, Bank/ATM Center, Kartu Akses, Kamera Keamanan, Pemadam Kebakaran, Foodhall, Jalur Lari, Area Parkir, Area Bermain, Sekolah, Keamanan, Pusat Perbelanjaan, Area Wisata.
What are the public facilities around NEW NIRWANA ANGGASWANGI?
Some of the public facilities that can be found around NEW NIRWANA ANGGASWANGI, are Bandara Internasional Juanda: ±25 menit melalui jalan tol., ATM & Bank di sekitar Buduran: ±5-10 menit., Gerbang Tol Sidoarjo: ±10 menit. Gerbang Tol Waru: ±15-20 menit., Restoran lokal dan warung makan: ±5-10 menit. Restoran cepat saji di Suncity Mall atau Lippo Mall: ±15 menit., RS Delta Surya: ±10 menit. RSUD Sidoarjo: ±15 menit., SD dan SMP di area Sukodono dan Buduran: ±5-10 menit. SMK Negeri 2 Sidoarjo: ±15 menit., Lippo Mall Sidoarjo: ±15 menit. Suncity Mall: ±15 menit. Transmart Sidoarjo: ±20 menit., SPBU terdekat: ±5 menit., Delta Fishing: ±15 menit. Alun-Alun Sidoarjo: ±15 menit. Wisata Lumpur Lapindo: ±20 menit., Stasiun Sidoarjo: ±15 menit..
Where can I see the site plan of NEW NIRWANA ANGGASWANGI?
You can contact the contact person listed on the page or directly explore it in the "Explore Site Plan" section.
What should I do if I’m interested in buying a unit in NEW NIRWANA ANGGASWANGI?
Contact the contact person on this page. Our agent will provide you with all the information you need.
Jl. Diponegoro No.131, Lemah Putro, Lemahputro, Kec. Sidoarjo, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61213
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