Babakancikao, Purwakarta
380 Million - 520 Million IDR
Sukamanah Islamic Village
What are the exciting facilities that can be found in Sukamanah Islamic Village?
Some attractive facilities in Sukamanah Islamic Village include Jalur Lari, Lapangan Basket, Area Parkir, Area, Mesjid, Keamanan, Lain-lain.
What are the public facilities around Sukamanah Islamic Village?
Some of the public facilities that can be found around Sukamanah Islamic Village, are Gerbang Tol Sadang , Stasiun Cibungur , Siloam Hospitals Purwakarta , Sadang Terminal Square , SMAN 2 Purwakarta , SPBU Bungursari , Bank Rakyat Indonesia , Rumah Sate Maranggi Khas Ppurwakarta.
Where can I see the site plan of Sukamanah Islamic Village?
You can contact the contact person listed on the page or directly explore it in the "Explore Site Plan" section.
What should I do if I’m interested in buying a unit in Sukamanah Islamic Village?
Contact the contact person on this page. Our agent will provide you with all the information you need.
Jl.Kolonel Masturi No.41 Sukajaya, Lembang,Kab.Bandung Barat 40391
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