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Pakis Hasanah Smart Living
Properti Baru
Last updated on 23 February 2024

Pakis Hasanah Smart Living

Developer: PT. Sekar Pamenang

Pakis, Malang


From 222 Million IDR

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UNIT Pakis Hasanah Smart Living

Tipe 36
Tipe 36
Tipe 36
Tipe 36

222 Million IDR

LA: 80 m²BA: 36 m²

Pakis Hasanah Smart Living Project Details

Available Unit
1 Unit Type
Property Type
December 2023

Nearest Location

ABOUT Pakis Hasanah Smart Living


Pakis Hasanah Smart Living


One Gate System

Highlights of Pakis Hasanah Smart Living

Strategic Location

Dekat dengan berbagai akses seperti Tol Pakis dan bandara Abd. Saleh Malang

High Investment Value

Bernilai investasi tinggi karena dekat dengan berbagai akses dan pusat perbelanjaan

Free from Traffic jams

Pakis Hasanah bebas macet karena terletak di lingkungan yang masih asri


Where is the complete address of Pakis Hasanah Smart Living?

Pakis Hasanah Smart Living is located at Jebuk, Sumberkradenan, Kec. Pakis, Kabupaten Malang. To find out about the property’s legality, contact the contact listed on the page.

What are the exciting facilities that can be found in Pakis Hasanah Smart Living?

Some attractive facilities in Pakis Hasanah Smart Living include Keamanan.

What are the public facilities around Pakis Hasanah Smart Living?

Some of the public facilities that can be found around Pakis Hasanah Smart Living, are Bandara Abd. Saleh Malang, Mandiri, BRI, BCA, Gerbang Tol Pakis, Bakso Keraton, RS Enggal Dangan, Al- Jannah Islamic School, SPBU Sumberpasir.

What other projects has PT. Sekar Pamenang developed?

PT. Sekar Pamenang was previously known for projects such as The Hermawan Village. Find related property information via Rumah123.

Where can I see the site plan of Pakis Hasanah Smart Living?

You can contact the contact person listed on the page or directly explore it in the "Explore Site Plan" section.

What are the recommendations for similar properties in the Malang area?

part from Pakis Hasanah Smart Living, around this area there are other property recommendations such as Skyland Sekarpuro, Havana Park.

What should I do if I’m interested in buying a unit in Pakis Hasanah Smart Living?

Contact the contact person on this page. Our agent will provide you with all the information you need.


Jalan Danau Toba Blok E1 No 30 A-B, Sawojajar, Kec. Kedungkandang, Kota Malang

Developer Contact
Pakis Hasanah Smart Living
From 222 Million IDR
Pakis Hasanah Smart Living
Pakis, Malang
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