Pancur Batu, Deli Serdang
299 Million - 360 Million IDR
Savanna Sumatera - Cluster Ananta
What are the exciting facilities that can be found in Savanna Sumatera - Cluster Ananta ?
Some attractive facilities in Savanna Sumatera - Cluster Ananta include Keamanan, Taman Hijau, Gym, Pusat Perbelanjaan, Area Bermain.
What are the public facilities around Savanna Sumatera - Cluster Ananta ?
Some of the public facilities that can be found around Savanna Sumatera - Cluster Ananta , are Bank BRI, Bank Sumut, ATM BCA, ATM Mandiri, Dekat dengan beberapa opsi restaurant dan rumah makan, RSUP H Adam Malik, namun terdapat juga klinik dan puskesmas, SMA N 1 Pancur Batu, SMP N 1 Pancur Batu, Sekolah Methodist, SMA Era Utama, SMK Gelora Jaya Nusantara, Bandara Internasional Kualanamu, SPBU Pancur Batu, Ringroad City Walks Mall, Terminal Bus Rute Medan Berastagi.
Where can I see the site plan of Savanna Sumatera - Cluster Ananta ?
You can contact the contact person listed on the page or directly explore it in the "Explore Site Plan" section.
What are the recommendations for similar properties in the Deli Serdang area?
part from Savanna Sumatera - Cluster Ananta , around this area there are other property recommendations such as Taman Annafris Sukamaju 1&2, Golden Land Sejohor.
What should I do if I’m interested in buying a unit in Savanna Sumatera - Cluster Ananta ?
Contact the contact person on this page. Our agent will provide you with all the information you need.
Gedung Setiabudi 2, Lt.3a, Ruang 3a01, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Jakarta
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