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Property Guide
Srimaya Residence
Properti Baru
Last updated on 14 November 2024

Srimaya Residence

Developer: PT. Summarecon Agung Tbk.

Narogong, Bekasi


411 Million - 517 Million IDR

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UNIT Srimaya Residence

Laksmi (Basic)
Laksmi (Basic)
Laksmi (Basic)
Laksmi (Basic)
Laksmi (Basic)
Laksmi (Basic)
Laksmi (Basic)
Laksmi (Basic)
Laksmi (Basic)

420 Million IDR

LA: 60 m²BA: 30 m²
Laksmi (Deluxe)
Laksmi (Deluxe)
Laksmi (Deluxe)
Laksmi (Deluxe)
Laksmi (Deluxe)
Laksmi (Deluxe)
Laksmi (Deluxe)
Laksmi (Deluxe)
Laksmi (Deluxe)

435 Million IDR

LA: 60 m²BA: 33 m²
Padmarini (Basic)
Padmarini (Basic)
Padmarini (Basic)
Padmarini (Basic)
Padmarini (Basic)
Padmarini (Basic)
Padmarini (Basic)
Padmarini (Basic)
Padmarini (Basic)

489 Million IDR

LA: 70 m²BA: 35 m²
Padmarini (Deluxe)
Padmarini (Deluxe)
Padmarini (Deluxe)
Padmarini (Deluxe)
Padmarini (Deluxe)
Padmarini (Deluxe)
Padmarini (Deluxe)
Padmarini (Deluxe)
Padmarini (Deluxe)

502 Million IDR

LA: 70 m²BA: 38 m²

Srimaya Residence Project Details

Available Unit
8 Unit Type
Property Type
December 2020
Project LocationGet the complete address for this project

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ABOUT Srimaya Residence


Srimaya Residence

Lapangan Basket
Area Bermain

Lapangan Basket

Area Bermain

Highlights of Srimaya Residence


What are the exciting facilities that can be found in Srimaya Residence?

Some attractive facilities in Srimaya Residence include Lapangan Basket, Area Bermain.

What are the public facilities around Srimaya Residence?

Some of the public facilities that can be found around Srimaya Residence, are RS MH. Thamrin, Binus School, Mal Metropolitan Cileungsi, Hanya 60 menit ke Bandara, Akses mudah ke berbagai Bank & ATM Centre, Didukung 4 Akses Tol & Terbaru Tol Gate Narogong hanya 10 Menit, Restoran ternama mulai lokal hingga international (Mcd, KFC, Starbucks), Rs Thamrin Cileungsi, Eka Hospital, Mitra Keluarga Cibubur sekitar 10-15 menit, Sekolah Al Azhar, Binus, Penabur Radius 10 - 15 Menit, Ciputra Cibubur, Trans Mall Cibubur, Metropolitan Mall & Segera hadir Living World Kota Wisata, SPBU Jalan Raya Narogong, Stasiun Bekasi .

Where can I see the site plan of Srimaya Residence?

You can contact the contact person listed on the page or directly explore it in the "Explore Site Plan" section.

What are the recommendations for similar properties in the Bekasi area?

part from Srimaya Residence, around this area there are other property recommendations such as Parkland Podomoro, Klasika Grand Wisata.

What should I do if I’m interested in buying a unit in Srimaya Residence?

Contact the contact person on this page. Our agent will provide you with all the information you need.

ABOUT DEVELOPER PT. Summarecon Agung Tbk.

Plaza Summarecon Bekasi @ Jl. Bulevar Ahmad Yani Kav. KA 001, Bekasi 17142, Indonesia

Developer Contact
Srimaya Residence
411 Million - 517 Million IDR
Srimaya Residence
Narogong, Bekasi
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